Wednesday, April 8, 2009

RE: Mankind Tracer in Pop Vox TV

What an awesome Pop Vox show last night!
A report and how these shows happen behind the scene.We meet 1 hour before showstart MK, Persia Bravin, Yxes Delacroix (Treet.TV) and me. There we set up mikes and audio to test Skype and SL voice. This may sound as an easy job for an hour and well it can be. But being the director of these shows and not the best to let other people do the job I have to deal with access lists, handing out landmarks, coordinate audio/vids for simulcasted etc! Of course all this is planned and handed out days before shows but somehow people loose their notecards, SLurls, schedule and landmarks (and I sometimes do myself too!). No offence here at all just a note to let ya' all know Second Life planning ain't like Real Life planning. And oh to catch up this pre hour set up is high speed work leaving me with tons of IMs I try reply while speaking with 3 people same time on voice. Sorry to those I had to ignore.

*The cover of Mankind Tracers brand new CD*

Anyway!!! Pop Vox started 4:02 and we got it all set inclusive the audience. For the first time we invited the audience to participate in the artist interview by sending me IMs with their questions. It was great fun and after Persia Bravin finished her 20 min. interview I asked MK questions from the audience. After the interview which by the way was streamed live throughout the grid to those who tuned in and at SLCN plus Treet.TVs newly designed site we headed to the Q sim stage area where MK kicked off his 45 min live set at 5 PM. About 100 people saw and heard MK at his absolute TOP playing an awesome gig. I can't wait to see this in HD widescreen qual. when Treet.TV put up in their archives asap. We could have hoped for more people but it was very late night in Europe and to maximize the TV recording it definately helped the sims didn't lack performance due to higher traffic. Also of note Videopathic had set up a giant Intelli screen above stage where show could be viewed as seen live on Treet.TV.
To sum up it was prolly the most professional and successful Pop Vox show to date! :)
Huge respect and thanx to all behind this TV production/show.

Producer/Co-Host (SL): Claus Uriza Pop Art Lab CEO
Artist: Mankind Tracer aka Seth Regan (RL)
Host (SL): Persia Bravin
Management, Stage+TV design (SL): Emily Hifeng, Pop Art Lab Manager
Architecture (SL): Xray Haller
Mentor/Tech. (SL): Lapiscean Liberty, Videopathic
Pop Art Lab hosts (SL): Mozy Pera, Olivia Saphira
SLCN/Treet.TV (SL): Exe. prod. Starr Sonic, Yxes Delacroix, Texas Timtam

And to all the lovely people who participated in the interview and concert TX you were brilliant!

Update, pics, vids etc comin asap

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